dilluns, 26 de novembre del 2007

Fracturas de la faceta anterointerna de la coronoides

Per si voleu saber on es l'article:
Job N. Doornberg, MS1 and David C. Ring, MD.
Fracture of the Anteromedial Facet of the Coronoid Process
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery(American).2006;88:2216-2224.

dimecres, 7 de novembre del 2007

Sesio de dijous 8 de Novembre

El Dr. Pedro Esteban ens parlara de "Fractures de pelvis i acetàbul".
Procureu repassar un xic el Tile ó el llibre de fractures que tingueu de "capçalera"

Berton R.
Computed Tomographic Assessment of Fractures of the Posterior Wall of the Acetabulum After Operative Treatment
J. Bone Joint Surg. Am., Mar 2003; 85: 512 - 522

Berton R.
Results of Operative Treatment of Fractures of the Posterior Wall of the Acetabulum
J. Bone Joint Surg. Am., May 2002; 84: 752 - 758.

Berton R.
Outcomes of Posterior Wall Fractures of the Acetabulum
J. Bone Joint Surg. Am., Jun 2007; 89: 1170 - 1176.

Paul S. Issack,
Sciatic Nerve Release Following Fracture or Reconstructive Surgery of the Acetabulum
J. Bone Joint Surg. Am., Jul 2007; 89: 1432 - 1437.