dijous, 28 d’agost del 2014

Inmobilitzacio en rotacio externa de la luxacio espatlla reduïda

Bueno sembla Dra Boo que no es posen d'acord en la inmob en RExt de l'espatlla...............
Immobilization with an External Rotation Brace Was Similar to an Internal Rotation Sling for Shoulder Dislocation......Conclusion: In patients with a shoulder dislocation, immobilization with use of an external rotation brace did not reduce the rate of recurrent instability or improve quality of life more than use of an internal rotation sling.

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Tutordecot ha dit...

Itoi E,
Hatakeyama Y,
Sato T,
Kido T,
Minagawa H,
Yamamoto N,
Wakabayashi I,
Nozaka K

. Immobilization in external rotation after shoulder dislocation reduces the risk of recurrence. A randomized controlled trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007 Oct;89(10):2124-31.
Abstract/FREE Full Text

Liavaag S,
Brox JI,
Pripp AH,
Enger M,
Soldal LA,
Svenningsen S

. Immobilization in external rotation after primary shoulder dislocation did not reduce the risk of recurrence: a randomized controlled trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 May 18;93(10):897-904. Epub 2011 Apr 15.