Es tracta d'una iniciativa molt interessant que porta ja uns 3 anys funcionant a 2 dels continents més desfavorits. Aquesta gent es dedica a dissenyar implants que puguin posar-se sense l'ús d'escòpia (les reduccions per tant han de ser a focus obert) i a baix cost. És una ONG nord-americana a la que us podeu apuntar per si volen fer-vos servir per anar a fer de "profes" als llocs on han introduït el projecte: Myanmar, Cambodja, Tanzania, Kenya i alguns països més. Adjunto la direcció:
Upon a follow-up visit to an Indonesian orthopaedic ward in the 1990s, Dr. Zirkle witnessed a patient lying in traction from a femur fracture. This man lay in traction for three years because his fracture had not healed. Although surgeons in this hospital had the knowledge and skill to treat the fracture, the patient could not afford the implant so surgery could not take place. It was in that moment he realized that teaching fracture care must be accompanied by an ongoing supply of implants appropriate for use in local conditions
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